A corporate partnership is when a company donates to a non-profit to support its mission and typically gets recognition benefits in return for that donation. In addition to supporting youth empowerment and development, they are supporting live-saving, cutting-edge cancer research and services that are improving the lives of patients and their families. 


Corporate Sponsorship Crash Course
You and your Campaign Development Manager (CDM) will go into this process in more depth during your Goal Planning #3 meeting!

Types of Sponsorship

Partnership Experience Sponsorship

Corporate sponsorships, or when a company donates to a non-profit to support its mission and gets recognition benefits in return for that donation, make up a significant portion of Student Visionaries of the Year revenue each year. Sponsorship levels for Student Visionaries of the Year are standardized nationally based on our local Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA) ranking. Partnership Experience Sponsorships are official LLS Sponsorships and range from $15,000 to $100,000. All candidate teams should strive to secure one partnership experience with the help of the campaign manager. 

Partnership Experiences Packet

Hero Circle Contribution

With your Hero Circle contribution, you will be supporting Honored Heroes like Lorelai (pictured left), and thousands of youth and adults in their fight against blood cancers. This contribution comes with Grand Finale seat entitlements, physical, and virtual recognition. Ad artwork must be received no later than February 23, 2024 to guarantee addition in the virtual 2024 Program Book 

Ad Options: 

*Specific benefits/activations subject to modification to ensure safety of participants, including patients and survivors.

Hero Circle Commitment Form

Program Book Tribute Ads

When companies are not able to give an official LLS Sponsorship, Program Book Tribute Ads are a great option for a company that is looking for visibility. Program book ads range from $1500 to $5000, and each level is entitled to various levels of recognition in our 2024 Program Book. Ad artwork must be received no later than February 23, 2024 to guarantee addition in the virtual 2024 Program Book. Check out this example 2023 Program Book for ideas

Digital Program Journal Purchase Form

Matching Gifts 

A matching gift is a charitable donation by a corporation that matches an employee's donation to an eligible non-profit organization, most often dollar for dollar. 

Curious to see if a certain employer will match a donation? Check out this list HERE!

Here is a EMAIL TEMPLATE you can use to solicit a matching gift!

Companies and individuals can also match campaigns for a certain time frame during your campaign. Check out our Spark the Match document to "spark" some inspiration for your corporate or personal asks lists!

In-Kind Sponsorships

In-kind Donations are particularly helpful in helping the St. Louis team offset the cost of expenses related to grand finale. Businesses that provide an in-kind donation will be recognized at the Grand Finale Celebration, where over 500+ people will be in attendance, and in our 2024 Program Book. In-kind donations will be accepted on a first come, first serve basis. Please reach out to staff if there are other larger in-kind opportunities that could help us save on cost, i.e. venues, production companies, catering, etc. 

In-Kind Sponsorship Opportunities

Reach out to your St. Louis Student Visionaries of the Year Campaign Staff with any questions!

Austin Mckain, Campaign Development Manager - Austin.Mckain@lls.org

David Wettroth, Campaign Development Specialist - David.Wettroth@lls.org 

Alyson Johnson, Campaign Development Director - Alyson.Johnson@lls.org