Here are some very specific pieces of feedback from past candidates and their families that will surely make HUGE IMPACT on your campaign. 

Knock Admin Tasks Out of the Park

Administrative Tasks such as emails, letter writing, resource creation and contact lists are known to be a time suck if you wait for deadlines to arrive. Every candidate from 2024 noted that they wished they had a little more time, and you all are in the perfect position to knock out plenty of administrative tasks between now and workshop. We recommend customizing templates, sending LLS staff your photos and biographies, building contact lists, and read your candidate handbook.

The possibilities are endless, and the impact you will make is sure to make waves. In tackling these tasks now, you will have more time to lead your team in the future. 

Matching Gifts Can Double Your Impact!

A matching gift is a charitable donation by a corporation that matches an employee's donation to an eligible non-profit organization, most often dollar for dollar.  Curious to see if a certain employer will match a donation? Check out this list HERE!

For example, if you secure a gift from a Boeing employee, make sure to let them know that Boeing matches dollar for dollar per employee up to $10,000! 

Get Sponosrships Prior to Workshop!

If you navigate to the sponsorship tab, you will notice that there are many ways for corporate entities to get involved. Candidates cannot fundraise before kickoff, but they sure can secure commitments before kickoff. One way to get a head start is to schedule presentations with businesses and make the big ask! Almost all businesses have money set aside to give and the only way to secure those dollars is by asking. Once you secure that first corporate sponsorship, you will 100% "catch the bug" and have your next sponsorship secured in no time. Your LLS staff partner will happily provide you with professional templates.

Candidate Events Should Be Held Early!

Events are a great way to rally the troops around your campaign and LLS's mission! Teams can capitalize on this momentum early by introducing those participating in events various opportunities get involved over the next 7 weeks. Each candidate should consider asking event participants to: become a team member, fill out an impact survey, connect them with a business, donate an auction item, give a donation, etc. You will be surprised how many people will commit to one or more of the asks above. Imagine the impact a room of 100 people could have

Rally Your Team Around Weekly Challenges!

Weekly challenges are a fun way for team member to come together and accomplish a very specific task.  Challenges will be released each Monday at 8:00 a.m. in the weekly newsletter during the 7 weeks of the campaign. It would be wise to schedule weekly team check-ins on Monday evenings to get everyone on board for the coming week. Teams that complete and win challenges will receive various incentives, often in the form of campaign credit. 

For example:

The goal of the #50StateChallenge is for your fundraising team to collect a donation from all 50 U.S. States. The first team to complete their map will receive $2,000 in campaign credit. Every subsequent team who completes the challenge will receive $500 in campaign credit.   

Schedule 1 on 1s With Each Team Member and Set Goals!

When building a multigeneration a team of 10 or more people, it can be easy to blanket them with all of the same information. Prior to the campaign, we highly recommend sitting down with each team member and determining strengths and opportunities. Some team members might not have a huge network, but they may have time to make phone calls and give presentations. Other team members may not have as much time to give, but they may have an extensive network they would be willing to connect you to. Brainstorm with each of them and brainstorm on where they fit into your overall goal. Each team member should strive for an impact of $5,000 ($715 per week)

Set Daily Email and Phone Call Goals!

Emails and phone calls might seem like a thing of the past, but they sure are one of the most effective personal fundraising methods! At the beginning and at end of the campaign, you will send many email and will make many phone calls, but what if we were to pace ourselves better? Almost all past candidates agreed that setting daily goals was an effective way of eliminating unnecessary stress. Making 5 phone calls a day adds up to almost 250 phone calls by the end of the campaign. This strategy works for team members too. 

Facebook Fundraising is Unmatched!

Did you know that the average Facebook fundraiser that is in-memory and/or in tribute to someone raises on average $750? In 2024, Almost all of our candidate teams saw direct success from Facebook Fundraising. It is recommended that all team members create a Facebook fundraiser and share it to their Facebook page. Furthermore, you should have each team member make an ask of their closest friends to re share that same fundraiser onto their own personal pages. Did you know that the average Facebook user also has 338 friends?

If you do not have a facebook, we recommend finding a family member that is willing to share it on their page to spread the word.